Spring is a time of hope and renewal as the weather warms and we watch flowers bloom and hear birds returning from their winter homes. On Easter, people of all ages spend time with their loved ones and celebrate Spring. For people in hospice, this holiday can bring back wonderful memories of their childhood while...
Spring Celebrations
Understanding Hospice: Truths About Hospice

Our Understanding Hospice blog series is dedicated to bringing readers the information they need to determine if hospice care is a viable option for their situation. We tend to fear the unknown and the dying process is pretty much an unknown to most of us. On top of that, there’s a tremendous amount of misinformation...
Understanding Hospice: Common Diagnoses

This blog series is dedicated to bringing readers the information they need to determine if hospice care is a viable option for their situation. More than cancer As you consider the next steps in your care or that of a loved one, you may be thinking “I don’t have cancer so I’m not eligible for...
Understanding Hospice: Key Questions
Houston Hospice Reviews All people deserve quality care and quality of life as the end of life draws near. Hospice care can provide this and more. Here we hope to provide informative answers to some of the most commonly asked questions regarding hospice care. What is hospice care? Hospice is a type of end-of-life care...
Understanding Hospice
Accredited Hospices of America is pleased to introduce “Understanding Hospice”, a blog series geared toward providing people with life-limiting illnesses and their families a solid knowledge-base of hospice that will help them make informed decisions. Examples of topics to be covered over the next few months: What is Hospice? Key Questions and Concerns About Hospice...
Understanding Hospice: What is Hospice?
This is the first post in Understanding Hospice, an educational series we plan to post over the next few months that will outline different aspects of hospice care such as: What is Hospice? Key Questions and Concerns About Hospice Truths About Hospice Importance of Self Care for Caregivers and more! Be sure to Like our FaceBook page where...
The History of Hospice
The term hospice is derived for the word “hospitality.” Dating back to medieval times, it was know as a place where ill travelers could stay during their journey. It was until 1948 was the term “hospice” used in medicine. Dame Cicely Saunders created the first modern hospice in London, St. Christopher’s Hospice. Here is a...
7 Hospice Myths and Misconceptions

Hospice care isn’t always the easiest thing to talk about and many people don’t have a clear idea what hospice actually is. Even after 25 years, most Americans aren’t aware of the advantages hospice brings. This mostly comes from our country’s resistance to talk about death. However, hospice is undoubtedly this best choice for end...
What is the purpose of Hospice
Contact: Maria Patino 832.408.7999 accreditedhospicesofamerica.com What is hospice care, and what is its purpose? Hospice is the term for a special program of care for terminally ill (dying) patients and their families. Rather than trying to cure an illness, hospice efforts aim to make the patient comfortable, ease pain and other troublesome symptoms and support...
FAQ About Hospice
What is hospice? Hospice offers comprehensive, compassionate care for people at the end of life and support for families. Hospice offers palliative care that seeks to comfort rather than cure. Who can receive hospice care? Any person facing the advancing stages of any terminal illness is eligible for care. Hospice care is appropriate when the...