
Protecting Your Loved Ones From Fraud

A suspicious letter, an “official” call from an unknown number, a tempting email. Identifying and dealing with fraud has become a part of everyday life. While everyone can be a target, seniors are particularly vulnerable. Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics show fraud against seniors increased 74% from 2020 to 2021 – resulting in a staggering $1.7 billion in losses.

Seniors often live alone and can be naïve or too trusting. Once a victim of fraud, they may be embarrassed and reluctant to ask for assistance. Helping the seniors in your life understand and avoid potential scams may seem daunting. It can be difficult to advise an older family member or friend for fear of the conversation coming across as patronizing.

The AARP suggests starting the conversation with a discussion about a recent scam in the news. From there, the conversation can turn to protection and prevention. For a comprehensive list of steps designed to protect seniors from fraud, you can read the whole article here: Steps to Help Prevent Fraud

Protecting ourselves from potential scammers is hard enough. Making sure our older loved ones are equipped to do the same is an even bigger challenge. With patience, kindness and good information, you can make those conversations more productive and less intimidating.

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