When death comes suddenly, there is little time to prepare. On the other hand, watching an older person become increasingly frail may mean that it’s hard to know when the end of life begins because changes can happen so slowly. But if you do know death is approaching and understand what will happen, then you...
What happens when a loved one passes away
More People Choosing Hospice at Life’s End
People facing a fatal illness often find their fears and pain exacerbated by lack of control — with doctors poking and prodding and treating and testing even as the end grows near. Hospice care, however, can give back some control over someone’s final days through its compassionate focus on treating pain and helping both the...
Accredited Hospices of America will help You and your loved one prepare for death.
The patient in the final stages of terminal illness will exhibit many outward physical signs that may indicate he or she is near death. These signs are normal and do not need to be discouraged or restrained by the dying patient’s loved ones. The information below will help you identify the typical signs and hep...
Accredited Hospices of America explains what is Grief and Bereavement
Grief may be experienced in response to physical losses, such as death, or in response to symbolic or social losses such as divorce of loss of a job. The grief experience can be affected by one’s history and support system. Taking care of yourself and accessing the support of friends and family can help you...
How a social worker fits in
November 12, 2015 Contact: Maria Patino 832.408.7999 [email protected] The social worker is an integral member of Accredited Hospices of America team. As trained professionals, our first family upon entering the hospice program. Going forward we represent the individual/family’s wishes at every hospice team meeting. At the initial evaluation out goal is to identify where each...